New ray of hope is on the horizon for vitiligo warriors

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New ray of hope is on the horizon for vitiligo warriors

New ray of hope is on the horizon for vitiligo warriors

Vitiligo, commonly addressed as white patch disorder, is one of the most emotionally & socially devastating conditions. This is particularly true for those who still live in a fiasco where this condition is considered “communicable, transferable or touchable.” But not any more…

Thanks to recent advancements accelerating the better understanding of the pathway involved in this condition and scientifically bringing the new way to eradicate & treat it. One such institute, Aimil Healthcare & Research Centre (AHRC) in association with Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) working relentlessly for more than a decade & has so far treated above 1 lac vitiligo patients with Ayurveda. Understand how?

The key to understanding vitiligo is to understand the role of skin color pigment, melanin & its production site, melanocyte. Melanin is the skin color defining agent that regulates & maintains the natural color of the skin. In Vitiligo, a well-recognized auto-immune disease, these melanin-producing skin cells, and melanocytes mistakenly attack their own body & result in loss of pigment or white patch loss.

In addition, the melanocytes of people with Vitiligo appear insufficient to manage the imbalance of anti-oxidants & life troubling-free radicals in the body. This miss-communication further results in internal cell death & unpredictable progression. To prevent such episodes of self-trigger, one must follow the following guide.

Eat right for a speedy recovery

Eating patterns can be a decisive factor in reducing the progression of the disease and especially avoiding incompatible food items like milk with honey, sour & citrus food, refined flour, unhealthy snacks, cold beverages. And adding protein-rich Kala chana, pulses (except urad), nourishing nuts/seed, coconut, or Sattu water is highly recommended in treatment.

High-intensity sun rays can worsen Vitiligo

Everyone with Vitiligo can benefit from early morning sun rays, i.e., till 7 AM in summers & 10 AM in winters. These good rays help stimulate the skin cells and boost the skin de-pigmentation process. Any prolonged sun exposure after the stipulated hours worsens white patches. Instead, for nearly hours, it is recommended to apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before stepping out and go for a sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection, SPF 30 or more, and strong water resistance potential.

Psychological support is a key to happy skin

The loss of pigment often results in loss of confidence, self-love & self-esteem, which further becomes a stressful event in triggering the body’s immunity and then causes unpredictable patch progression. To eliminate such triggers, one must first accept the condition & thereby treat this treatable disease gracefully with full power & belief.

Put a pause on social stigma

Vitiligo is a curable skin condition; one doesn’t have to camouflage it with high-definition color corrector, foundations, or heavy-duty make-ups. But if still, you’re a beauty queen & can’t go out without make-up on, try to go for waterproof, medium coverage products that are free from damage-causing chemicals

Choose the right treatment

Most preferred steroids & topical analogs used by experts in conjunction with phototherapy or light therapy have largely fallen out of favor. With a huge recurrence rate & treatment failure, people with Vitiligo admire a new ray of hope with Ayurveda. Following the same belief, AHRC, its team of experts, and backed research support from DRDO continue to add a new ray of hope to vitiligo warriors and is standing alone in treating people suffering from this condition.

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